The name of this division of Nebraska FBLA-PBL, Inc. shall be “Phi Beta Lambda” and may be referred to as “PBL.”


Section 1.

The purpose of PBL is to provide opportunities for post-secondary students to develop business-related career competencies . PBL is an integral part of the instructional program and in addition promotes a sense of civic and personal responsibility.

Section 2.

The specific goals of PBL are to:

• Develop competent, aggressive business leadership

• Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work

• Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise

• Encourage members in the development of individual projects which contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community

• Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism

• Encourage and practice efficient money management

• Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty

• Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals; and 

• Facilitate the transition from school to work

ARTICLE III Membership

Nebraska State Chapter of Phi Beta Lambda shall consist of members of chartered local chapters and state members at large where a local chapter does not exist. These members shall hold membership in their national, state, and/or local  chapters.

Active Members shall be students with an interest in business who accept the purpose of PBL and subscribe to its creed. Active members shall pay dues as established by PBL and may be eligible to participate in state competitive events, serve as voting delegates to the National and State Leadership Conference, hold national and state office, or to otherwise represent their state or local chapter as approved by their respective state or local advisers.

Professional Members shall be persons associated with or participating in the professional development of PBL through involvement at both the local and state levels. Professional members shall pay dues as established by the National Office, but shall be ineligible to participate in events, serve as voting delegates, or hold office.

Honorary Life Members may be persons making significant contributions to the field of business and office education and to the growth and development of PBL. Honorary Life members may be recommended by local chapters and approved by the State Executive Council and by the State Board of Directors. These members shall not be eligible to vote or hold office and are not required to pay dues.

ARTICLE IV Governing Board

Section 1.

The governing body of Phi Beta Lambda shall be the FBLA PBL State Board of Directors that is composed of the PBL State Adviser(s), two (2) elected advisers from two year institutions, two (2) elected advisers from four year institutions, one (1) adviser elected to serve at-large, one (1) business professional, one (1) PBL Professional Division member, and the State President of PBL. The elected directors serve staggered three (3) year terms with a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms unless a vacancy cannot be filled.  State Adviser(s) serve as ex-officio member(s) of the Governing Board. 

Section 2.

Local advisers may self nominate for open positions on the board.  The individual(s) appointed to serve will be those receiving a majority vote of the local advisers in the state. 

Section 3.

Business representatives and Professional Division members will be nominated by local chapters and then appointed by the FBLA PBL Board of Directors. 

Section 4.

The State Executive Council shall be under the leadership of the State Board of Directors. This Council shall consist of the State Adviser(s) and each State Officer. The voting membership of the Council shall be comprised of the State Officers.


ARTICLE V Dues & Finances

Section 1.

Annual state dues for PBL shall be six dollars ($6). The National Office must receive state and national dues of members no later than three weeks prior to the State Leadership Conference.

Section 2.

All disbursements must be approved by the PBL State Adviser(s). Any checks shall be signed by the State Adviser(s) or Vice President of Finance.

Section 3.

A financial statement shall be submitted to the Board of Directors at a minimum of twice a year.  Delegates may request to review the financial statement of the organization at any point during the year.  Any such request is required to be fulfilled.  

Section 4.

The PBL State Board of Directors or its designee has the option to conduct an annual audit of the financial records of the State Chapter.

Section 5. The fiscal year of Phi Beta Lambda shall begin July 1 and end on June 30 of the calendar year.

ARTICLE VI Officers and Elections

Section 1.

The Officers of Nebraska PBL shall consist of President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Technology, and Vice President of Public Relations. No more than two (2) elected State Officers shall be from the same local chapter unless the lowest ranking position(s) are unopposed. If none of the positions are unopposed, candidates from the lowest ranking position(s) will be automatically removed if more than two candidates from the same local chapter are elected as state officers. 

The President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Technology, and Vice President of Public Relations shall be nominated and elected annually at the State Leadership Conference. These officers shall be elected by a majority vote of local chapter voting delegates. 

Section 2.

Voting shall be by secret ballot. Should no candidate receive a majority in the first ballot, the candidate with the least number of votes will be dropped from the ballot until a majority is reached. Each local chapter is represented by voting delegates as follows:

Up to 10 Members: up to 2 Voting Delegates

11 – 20 Members: up to 3 Voting Delegates

21 – 30 Members: up to 4 Voting Delegates

31 plus Members: up to 5 Voting Delegates

The order of election shall be President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Technology, and Vice President of Public Relations.

Section 3.

To be eligible for nomination to state office, a person must meet the following qualifications:

• be an active member of Nebraska PBL and in good standing,

• hold or have held an officer position in his/her local chapter or in a similar organization,

• be enrolled in school during their term in office and be in good standing

• be recommended by his/her local chapter adviser and endorsed by his/her local chapter

Section 4.

Each interested person must submit an application to the State Adviser by the State Leadership Conference registration deadline.

Section 5.

Should a vacancy occur for the office of President, the Vice President of Membership will serve the remainder of the term. The State Adviser(s) will then accept applications for candidates who meet the officer qualifications and who shall be willing to serve the remainder of the Vice President of Membership’s term. The State Board of Directors must approve the candidate with two-third consent.  For all other vacancies, the President and State Adviser(s) shall appoint the new officer with two-thirds consent of the Board of Directors.

Section 6.

State Officers may be removed from office for violating the State Officer Code of Conduct.  The State Officer Code of Conduct is reviewed and approved on an annual basis.  

Removal Procedures

A. Charges for removal can be initiated by any member of the Executive Council or State Board of Directors.

B. The Officer in question and his/her Adviser will be contacted via email by the State Adviser with the special charges detailed.

C. A meeting will be held soon after the Officer in question has been contacted of his/her charges.    This meeting can occur in person or via video conferencing. 

D. Upon completion of the hearing, a vote of the State Board of Directors will be made.  

E. It will take a majority vote of the State Board of Directors for dismissal of the Officer in question.


ARTICLE VII Duties of State Officers

The duties of the State Officers shall be as set forth in the Nebraska PBL Bylaws. All Officers shall assist the State Adviser(s) in planning, organizing, and attending to the details of the Fall and State Leadership Conferences. All Officers are expected to attend the State Officer Training  and all state conference. While it is not required, it is highly encouraged for State Officers to attend all national conferences as well.  During their term of office, all Officers will coordinate with the State Adviser(s) to provide frequent updates on their state assignments.   The information will be compiled by the State President and forwarded to the State Board of Directors throughout the year.  

Section 1.

The President shall:

• Serve as Chair of the State Executive Council

• Preside over the Council meetings and business meetings of PBL

• Serve as a member of the Board of Directors

• Appoint appropriate committees and committee chairs

• Serve as an ex officio, non-voting member of all committees

• Work with the State Adviser(s) to create reminders for all state officers monthly assignments

• Promote PBL through networking with FBLA including attending conferences and presenting workshops

• Perform other duties for the promotion and development of local, state, and national PBL

Section 2.

The Vice President of Membership shall lead the following tasks:

• Monitor all active chapters to verify that they are active and retaining and recruiting members

• Establish, maintain, and coordinate recruitment and retention of members, chapters,  Professional Division members, and Honorary Lifetime members

• Develop and maintain Nebraska Virtual Chapter

• Encourage officer visits to active and inactive local chapters

• Coordinate officer interaction with FBLA 

• Assume the responsibilities of the Office of President if the President is unable to complete his/her term of office

• Perform other duties for the promotion and development of local, state, and national PBL

Section 3.

The Vice President of Communications shall lead the following tasks:

• Keep an accurate record of all business meetings of the State Executive Council

• Initiate communication between the State Executive Council and local chapters 

• Create press releases related to State Chapter activities and send to Local, State, and National media including PBL national publications 

• Create and maintain local chapter advisers and officers directory

• Perform other duties for the promotion and development of local, state, and national PBL

Section 4.

The Vice President of Finance shall lead the following tasks:

• Assist in writing checks for Nebraska PBL with the State Adviser(s)

• Lead and organize state fundraisers

• Work with businesses to develop additional corporate sponsorships

• Perform other duties for the promotion and development of local, state, and national PBL

Section 5.

The Vice President of Technology shall lead the following tasks:

• Maintain State Website to serve members and promote State Chapter

• Create and oversee any virtual forms utilized by the State Officer team

• Contact Alumni to update and maintain alumni database

• Perform other duties for the promotion and development of local, state, and national PBL

Section 6:

The Vice President of Public Relations shall lead the following tasks:

• Design and maintain promotional materials for State Chapter

• Keep Professional Division Members involved with Nebraska PBL activities

• Maintain all state social media platforms and use it as a tool to inform and engage members, alumni, and professionals 

• Perform other duties for the promotion and development of local, state, and national PBL

Section 7.

These officers shall serve on the State Executive Council, and perform such duties as directed by the PBL President and the State Adviser(s) and not inconsistent with the Bylaws and other rules adopted by PBL.


Section 1.

The State Leadership Conference shall be held annually and at least 45 days prior to the National Leadership Conference.

Section 2.

The Fall Leadership Conference shall be held annually prior to the end of the semester. The time and place shall be determined by the Executive Council.

ARTICLE IX Emblems and Colors

Section 1.

The official emblem and insignia item designs are described and protected from infringement by registration in the U.S. Patent Office under the Trademark Act of 1946. The State Chapter of PBL in cooperation with the National Chapter shall govern the wearing or displaying of this emblem.

Section 2.

Emblems and insignia shall be uniform in all local chapters and within special emphasis groups; they shall be those of PBL.

Section 3.

The official colors of PBL shall be blue and gold.

ARTICLE X Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern PBL in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules of FBLA PBL, Inc., these Bylaws, or any special rules of order that PBL may adopt.

ARTICLE XI Amendments

Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be submitted to the State Adviser by authorized representatives of local chapters or by the State Officers. Proposed amendments shall be reviewed by the Executive Council and shall be approved by the Board of Directors before they are submitted to the voting delegates. Amendments may be adopted by a two thirds vote of the Voting Delegates attending any regular or special state meeting. Voting shall be by secret electronic or physical ballot.

Amended October 2007

Amended October 2008

Amended October 2016

Amended March 2018

Amended October 2020