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FBLA-PBL is the largest business career student organization in the world. The high school division has 215,000 members, while the postsecondary division reaches over 11,000 college students. Exclusive membership and career recognition programs are designed for each division to provide additional personal and chapter development opportunities. FBLA-PBL’s National Awards Program recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. Through state-based competition at the spring State Leadership Conferences, students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills. Top state winners then are eligible to compete for honors at the National Leadership Conference each summer.

Our State Officers

Parker Clausen-President 

Bailey Klanderud-VP of Membership 

Ashley Glazebrook-VP of Communications

Chance Hergott- VP of Finance

Amy Dosch- VP of Technology

Jacie Ambrose- VP of Public Relations

Our Advisers

Riley Herring
Jennifer Claus
Kendra Beller

The Board

Honorary Life Members