State Officer Application Guidelines
*No more than two (2) elected State Officers shall be from the same local chapter unless the lowest ranking position(s) are unopposed. If none of the positions are unopposed, candidates from the lowest ranking position(s) will be automatically removed if more than two candidates from the same local chapter are elected as state officers.
*The order of election shall be President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Communications, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Technology, and Vice President of Public Relations.
*To be eligible for nomination to state office, a person must meet the following qualifications:
• be an active member of Nebraska FBLA-Collegiate and in good standing,
• hold or have held an officer position in his/her local chapter or in a similar organization,
• be enrolled in school during their term in office and be in good standing
• be recommended by his/her local chapter adviser and endorsed by his/her local chapter
*State Officer Candidates cannot campaign prior to the campaign timeframe listed during the State Leadership Conference.
*During the State Leadership Conference campaign time, officer candidates cannot do any give-aways including handouts as part of their campaign.